Defensive Driving Habits.
According to National safety council, Defensive driving can be defined as a form of training for motor vehicle drivers that goes beyond mastery of the rules of the road and the basic mechanics of driving. Its aim is to reduce the risk of collision by anticipating dangerous situations, despite adverse conditions or the mistakes of others. This can be achieved through adherence to a variety of general guidelines.
As a defensive driver, you can avoid crashes and help lower your risk behind the wheel.
If you've been out on the roads, you know that not everyone drives well but most people think they do. Some drivers speed aggressively. Others wander into another lane because they aren't paying attention. Drivers may follow too closely, make sudden turns without giving appropriate signals, or weave in and out of traffic.
Aggressive drivers are known road hazards, causing one third of all traffic crashes. But inattentive or distracted driving is becoming more of a problem as people "multitask" by talking on the phone, texting etc.
The followings are the mechanisms to safe driving
- Controlling your speed. Looking ahead and expecting the unexpected.
- Being alert and distraction free.
- Preparedness for all sorts of actions and reactions of other drivers and pedestrians.
- Not expecting the other drivers to do what you would ordinarily do.
- Watching and respecting other drivers.Maintaining a safe following distance.
- Driving safely considering (adjusting for) weather and/or road conditions.
Adjusting your speed before entering a bend, in order to avoid applying the brakes in the middle of a bend.
Please do remember that driving safe isn’t just the responsibility of one person, it is a collective effort and driving irresponsibly not only puts your life at risk but also risks the life of other people on the road. Maybe a driver, motorists or even a pedestrian.
Drive safe. Healthy India is a progressive India.
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